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headshot of Executive Director, Sharon Collins

Executive Director's Corner

Dear Westgate Families,
As spring unfolds, bringing with it a sense of renewal and growth, we find ourselves reflecting on the remarkable journey we have shared this academic year. As we step into April and the start of Quarter 4, I am filled astonishment at how quickly the year has passed. We look forward to all that is planned for our community during this very busy time of the year.
April Advocacy Theme: Social Awareness
This month, we shine a spotlight on Social Awareness as our advocacy theme. Social Awareness, the ability to understand and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, is more than a skill—it is a cornerstone for building a compassionate and inclusive community. We encourage discussions at home and in our classrooms that foster this understanding, as we believe it is essential for nurturing global citizens.
Academic Excellence and Testing
April is a significant month for our students in terms of academic assessment:
CMAS Testing for Grades 3-8: Throughout April, our students will participate in CMAS Testing. This is an important opportunity for them to showcase their learning and growth.
PSAT and SAT Testing: Our high school students will be taking critical steps in their academic journey with the PSAT 9 on April 18, PSAT 10 on April 19, and the SAT for 11th graders on April 17. These tests are pivotal in preparing for college admission processes.
We wish all our students the very best in these assessments and commend their hard work and preparation.
Prom Night: Gothic Literature
We are excited to announce that our High School Prom will be held on Friday, April 19. This event is a cherished tradition and a highlight for our students, offering them a night of joy, celebration, and lasting Westgate memories.
Looking Ahead & Important May dates
As we navigate through the final quarter, let us continue to support each other in our academic and personal growth journeys. The end of the year may be approaching, but our commitment to excellence and community remains. Let's make these last few months together count with enthusiasm and purpose.
Dates to remember:
High School Commencement is Thursday, May 23.
K-8 Continuations will take place on Wednesday, May 29.
The Westgate Carnival and End of the Year Open House will be on Thursday, May 30.
The final day of school and our annual yearbook signing will be held on Friday, May 31.
We are incredibly thankful for the ongoing support from our families. Your engagement and collaboration make a profound difference in our collective success. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss your child's progress, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Here's to a productive and fulfilling April!
Sharon Collins
A small school with BIG ideas!

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